Sunday, March 24, 2024

But What Is "Free Speech"?

But what is "free speech"?

It used to mean speech that couldn't be suppressed or intimidated by government. That notion is long gone. Now your speech can be suppressed, if not by government directly (though I think it absolutely is), certainly by its proxies, by media and social media outlets, by banks and corporations that can refuse to do business with you, by mob mentality in person or online that can get you fired from your job, have your assets confiscated, get you protested at home or assaulted in person.

Further, I submit, far more important than free speech is the idea of fair and honest elections. Now there are examples every election season, at every level of government, where elections are manipulated. In fact, we may never see honest and fair national elections ever again.

#freespeech #zerohedge #fairelections

[A comment made at]

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